Monday, July 26, 2010

I'm tryin'!

I'm trying to instill the love of coupons/sales/rebates in my boys.
I'm pretty sure Sammy is catching it.
Caleb...not so much!

We went to Shop Rite tonight and did the most amazing deal!

We bought:
3 Blue Bunny popsicle boxes which were 1/2 off for $1.49 each.
We used (3) $1 off coupons
So we paid $1.47 for all 3 boxes.

It gets better! =)
I'm submitting my receipt for a $15 rebate!!!
That's insane!!!

So, as we were leaving the store I was explaining the deal to Sammy and his eyes lit up and he said "wow! that's cool! they're paying us and we get to eat all of their popsicles!" 
My heart soared! 
He gets it! =)

Caleb immediately said "hey, mommy! guess what? Pffftttt!" 
(making that tongue noise - whatever you call it!)
Oh dear! Where have I gone wrong with this one?! =P
In my defense....he his soooo his father's son! He adores his daddy and daddy is always doing that! Silly boys! =)


Star @ A Load Of Craft said...

I love it! Can't wait til I can explain deals I get to my kids when they're older!

Awesome job on the couponing... wish I had a Shop Rite!

Thanks for following my blog :)

Star @ A Load Of Craft said...

I hope you don't mind me responding to your question here, I wasn't sure if you had subscribed to my comments... anywho I used to get my fabric at Joanns and now I go to Hobby Lobby whose fabric I love!

I wish you & your husband the best of luck... and I hope when you do make one of the projects I'll get to see it! :)