Thursday, March 04, 2010

Squeeeealing!!!! =)

My hubby is away and I have an insane migraine, but I am super happy! So much so that I think I was caught squealing a few minutes ago! =)

Don't get me wrong, the boys were unnecessarily grumpy and whiney today and I know it's by God's grace that we all survived the day! =)

But I had been meaning to get to Acme all week and when I saw this post by Michelle (you are stinking amazing and my new hero!!) I put together a new list with new coupons and headed out with the grumpies boys.

We scored some SWEET deals and I had to drop something off at my parents' house after so I dropped the grumpies boys off to enjoy some ice cream and I headed back to Acme to get some more loot! =)

So, I'm not as good as Michelle (or Robyn, or Ashley, or Stephanie, or...) and I think I could have done even better with coupons, but I still think this was pretty awesome!

This is everything that I got in the 2 trips:

That is 4 boxes of Wheaties Fuel cereal, 4 boxes of Supreme Brownies, 8 boxes of Fruit Snacks, 2 packs of Mashed Potatoes, 2 Frostings, 1 Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix, 1 Edy's Ice Cream ($1!!), 1 box of Kashi Crackers (FREE!!) and 2 Warm Delights (they are going to be so *delightful* during my husbandless week!!)

I spent a total of $10.01 out of pocket and got an additional $9.50 for my next shopping trip! So that ends up to be 51 cents! 

It could have been even better had my dear son (ahem, Caleb!) not lost one $2.50 catalina somewhere between the store and the car!

I also got a free Mom's bible in the mail today and a free sample of Kashi cereal (that's where I got the coupon for the free crackers at Acme) AND my parent's are going to take the boys for a sleepover tomorrow night! YAY!!!!!! (Grammy and Pop-Pop, you are the best and I owe you big time!!!!)

I'm going to go celebrate with a movie and some coffee ice cream (that was a splurge that I didn't include in the photo!) =)

1 comment:

Shelly said...

yay!! so glad it worked out so well for you! i also got the free mom's Bible this week--isn't it purty?!? love it!